To Skate In Spanish Conjugation

To skate in spanish conjugation – ¡Prepárense para patinar sobre las olas del español! Vamos a sumergirnos en la conjugación de “patinar”, explorando sus matices en diferentes tiempos y contextos. ¡Abróchense los patines y comencemos este emocionante viaje lingüístico!

A medida que navegamos por este artículo, descubriremos las complejidades de este verbo, incluidas sus conjugaciones irregulares y reglas especiales. También nos deslizaremos a través de ejemplos de oraciones para ver “patinar” en acción y comprender su uso en la vida real.

Conjugation of “to skate” in Spanish: To Skate In Spanish Conjugation

The Spanish verb “to skate” is “patinar”. Here is the complete conjugation table for “patinar” in all tenses and moods:

Tense Mood Conjugation
Present Indicative yo patino, tú patinas, él/ella patina, nosotros patinamos, vosotros patináis, ellos/ellas patinan
Preterite Indicative yo patiné, tú patinaste, él/ella patinó, nosotros patinamos, vosotros patinasteis, ellos/ellas patinaron
Imperfect Indicative yo patinaba, tú patinabas, él/ella patinaba, nosotros patinábamos, vosotros patinabais, ellos/ellas patinaban
Future Indicative yo patinaré, tú patinarás, él/ella patinará, nosotros patinaremos, vosotros patinaréis, ellos/ellas patinarán
Conditional Indicative yo patinaria, tú patinarias, él/ella patinaria, nosotros patinaríamos, vosotros patinariais, ellos/ellas patinarian
Present Subjunctive yo patine, tú patines, él/ella patine, nosotros patinemos, vosotros patineis, ellos/ellas patinen
Imperfect Subjunctive yo patinara, tú patinaras, él/ella patinara, nosotros patináramos, vosotros patinarais, ellos/ellas patinaran
Imperative Affirmative patina (tú), patinemos (nosotros), patinen (vosotros/ellos/ellas)
Imperative Negative no patines (tú), no patinemos (nosotros), no patinen (vosotros/ellos/ellas)

There are no irregular conjugations of “patinar”.

Examples of “to skate” in Spanish sentences

Let’s explore how to use “to skate” in Spanish sentences and their English translations to grasp its usage in various contexts.

Present tense

To express an action happening right now or in the present moment, we use the present tense of “to skate” in Spanish, which is “patino”.

  • Yo patino en el parque todos los días.– I skate in the park every day.
  • Tú patinas muy bien.– You skate very well.
  • Él patina con sus amigos.– He skates with his friends.

Past tense

To indicate an action that occurred in the past, we use the past tense of “to skate” in Spanish, which is “patiné”.

  • Ayer patiné en la pista de hielo.– Yesterday I skated on the ice rink.
  • Tú patinaste con tu hermana.– You skated with your sister.
  • Ellos patinaron durante horas.– They skated for hours.

Future tense

To express an action that will happen in the future, we use the future tense of “to skate” in Spanish, which is “patinaré”.

  • Mañana patinaré en el centro comercial.– Tomorrow I will skate in the mall.
  • Tú patinarás con tus primos.– You will skate with your cousins.
  • Ellos patinarán en la competencia.– They will skate in the competition.

Common expressions with “to skate” in Spanish

In Spanish, the verb “to skate” is “patinar.” Here are some common expressions that use this verb:

Expressions with “patinar”

  • Patinar sobre hielo: to ice skate
  • Patinar sobre ruedas: to roller skate
  • Patinar sobre una pista: to skate on a rink
  • Patinar en la calle: to skate in the street
  • Patinar rápido: to skate fast
  • Patinar despacio: to skate slowly
  • Patinar bien: to skate well
  • Patinar mal: to skate poorly
  • Patinar con amigos: to skate with friends
  • Patinar solo: to skate alone

Cultural significance of skating in Spanish-speaking countries

Skating holds significant cultural value in Spanish-speaking countries, transcending its recreational purpose and becoming deeply embedded in traditions, sports, and various aspects of the culture. It is a cherished activity that brings communities together, fostering a sense of camaraderie and shared experiences.

In many Spanish-speaking countries, skating is an integral part of traditional festivals and celebrations. During these events, people of all ages gather in town squares or designated skating rinks, adorned in vibrant costumes and accompanied by lively music. Skating becomes a symbol of joy, unity, and the celebration of cultural heritage.

Roller skating

Roller skating is particularly popular in Spanish-speaking countries, with dedicated skating rinks and parks found in many cities and towns. It is not only a recreational activity but also a competitive sport, with national and international competitions showcasing the skills and athleticism of skaters.

Roller skating clubs and associations are common, fostering a sense of community and camaraderie among enthusiasts.

Ice skating

Ice skating, while less common due to geographical factors, is still enjoyed in some Spanish-speaking countries that experience colder climates. Ice skating rinks are often found in shopping malls or dedicated facilities, providing opportunities for recreational skating, ice hockey, and figure skating.

It is a popular activity during the winter months, bringing families and friends together for a festive and exhilarating experience.

Skateboarding, To skate in spanish conjugation

Skateboarding has gained immense popularity in recent decades, particularly among the younger generation. Skateparks and designated skating areas have been established in many cities, providing safe and accessible spaces for skateboarders to practice their skills and socialize. Skateboarding competitions and events are also organized, showcasing the creativity, athleticism, and street culture associated with this activity.

Overall, skating in Spanish-speaking countries is not just a pastime but a cherished cultural activity that fosters community, celebrates traditions, and encourages physical activity. It is an integral part of the cultural fabric, enriching the lives of people of all ages and backgrounds.

FAQ Explained

¿Hay alguna conjugación irregular de “patinar”?

Sí, la forma yo del presente de indicativo es “patino” en lugar de “pato”.

¿Cómo se dice “patinaba” en español?

Imperfecto de indicativo: patinaba

¿Qué expresión idiomática española utiliza “patinar”?

“Patinar sobre hielo fino” significa meterse en una situación peligrosa o arriesgada.